In November 2004 we started the journey to bring a baby home from China ... five years later, in October 2009, we met Isobel Pingqin.
Our little livewire known as Izzy.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Out and about

Have been spending time at the park and beach.

Trying my hardest to walk

We're having a lot of falls at the moment - trying our hardest to stand without holding on and trying to walk but still very wobbly.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Visiting Santa

Ben and I went to visit Santa today. We didn't get a good photo - I cried and Ben was too excited about Santa to concentrate on looking at the camera!

Pegs are pretty cool and the basket makes a nice hat too!

What have I been up to?

Well I'm now cruising around the furniture all the time. That's all I want to do. I found the corner cupboard in the kitchen is pretty good for leaning against and I don't have to hold on to anything.
I've started going to Mandarin playgroup which is great for me, but mum doesn't understand what they are saying.

My Great Nana

This is my great nana who is 94. I am her 11th great grandchild.