In November 2004 we started the journey to bring a baby home from China ... five years later, in October 2009, we met Isobel Pingqin.
Our little livewire known as Izzy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Six months on...

Yesterday marked six months since we collected our gorgeous girl in Nanchang.

Bow time...

Mum puts them in... I pull them out... mum puts them back in... I pull them out again, and again, and again. Who will win this battle...

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm learning to run...

I wonder how fast I can run around this pot before I fall over...

Dancing Girl

Izzy's idea of dancing is foot stomping...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Farm Girl Izzy

Izzy had her first visit to the Todd & Beth's farm this weekend. She loved it, camping out, lots of space, lots of exploring and her new found friend, Roger the dog. She helped with mowing, with building a bonfire, checking out the cows and new baby ducklings ...
Ben had his first drive of a car by himself - he thought that was fantastic. Roger was clearly Izzy's favourite, Ben loves the horses, especially Clyde, an old Clydesdale. Lots of excitement here as the six ducklings are coming on Sunday to spend a week in our back yard!