In November 2004 we started the journey to bring a baby home from China ... five years later, in October 2009, we met Isobel Pingqin.
Our little livewire known as Izzy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What a milestone!

Another milestone in Izzy's life.

Izzy lived in China for 505 days. All but her first 10 days of life were with her foster mother. Tuesday marked 505 days since we collected Izzy back in October 2009. Today is 508 days and we can now say Izzy has live with us, her family, for longer than anywhere else in her short life. Some pictures belowing showing how she has grown over the last 16 months.

Christmas time, 2010
Izzy's 2nd Birthday
Izzy's Christening
January 2010... walking girl!
home with big brother
Meeting Izzy's foster mum in Leping
Izzy meeting mum for the first time
Izzy and her foster sister, Le Ping La, at her foster mum's home

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hanging out

The beginning of our new home

So much has been going on here, we are in the final stages of getting ready to move out of our house, knock it down and build our new house. Some pictures here of the progress so far.

We've moved a lot of our plants from the front garden out to the back. Large trees have been chopped down, most of our stuff has gone into storage and we are living with the basic necessities. The council is due to give the go ahead - hopefully :-) - at the end of March. Then we'll move out and demolition will start.

So this is our house before...and then the trees were removed... our front garden before it was moved...and what is outside our front door now...
So what will our new house look like? This is the display house which our house is based on. Same colours on the bricks, render, windows etc, ours will be a mirror image of this (garage on right hand side).