In November 2004 we started the journey to bring a baby home from China ... five years later, in October 2009, we met Isobel Pingqin.
Our little livewire known as Izzy.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Family get together

Now that I have a proper adult size house, we can have the family over.
Ben, Izzy and Tully 
 Izzy and Aunt Kate
 Next generation
 Cousins with spouses
 Some of my cousins - without spouses
 Oldies (mum and dad's generation)
Mum and her two sisters 
 Family members with red hair!
 Balding relatives
 Clearly I my children have caused me more wrinkles!
 When there is a Porsche in the driveway, what is a boy to do?

Izzy's birthday

We now have a five year old in the house, so that meant a fairy party!
I had bought a beautiful birthday outfit, but one of Izzy's presents was a Princess Mulan outfit which she insisted on wearing.

What's new at the house...

Little by little, we are getting more things finished off in the house.
Shutters were finally installed in our bedroom last week and I love them.  Anything was going to look good after 15 months of a sheet hanging there.
Izzy got a proper bed - I have hated the look of her bedroom with just a bed pushed in the corner and no bedhead.  Now we have a bed - I really wanted a sleigh bed but wasn't prepared to wait three weeks for it.

My favourite place in the house - this was my birthday present - sitting in the sun with my coffee.  Out alfresco area is finally now looking like somewhere you want to be.

We got proper cupboards in our walk in robe

There are still fences to be replaced and paths to be finished at the side, hopefully by summer that will be done.